Tuesday is Junk Food Day! Not that Americans need a day to celebrate junk food — we’re pretty much the leaders in worldwide consumption of all things sweet, salty, fatty and fried. But a lot of us (myself included) feel so guilty when we eat our favorite sweet or salty treats.
National Junk Food Day is a holiday from all that guilt! We can gobble down desserts so sweet they make your teeth hurt. Salty, savory crunchy treats. Fizzy sodas and crazy candies. Deep fried wonders and fabulous fast foods.
But remember: only for one day. And try not to overdo it. Too much junk food can leave you with a hangover that rivals the worst New Year’s Day “bottle flu”.
So go ahead and indulge, but try to eat responsibly on National Junk Food Day.
Your “Guilt Takes a Holiday” Gift Guru,