Okay, so it's not
that new. The lowly t-shirt rose from underwear to outwear way back in the '50s when Marlon Brando, James Dean and other famous heartthrobs shocked everyone by wearing them in public — and on television!
Back then, t-shirts were still mostly white and we wore them because they were just plain comfortable. But now they've become wearable billboards that broadcast our thoughts, feelings, political leanings, and, above all, a sense of humor.
Gone are the days of buying 3-packs of cheap plain undershirts to wear as outerwear. Today's t-shirts are tie-dyed, screen-printed, colorful expressions of our individuality. And the more unique they are, the more we love them. Lucky for me, one thing about buying t-shirts hasn't changed much: the more you buy, the more you save.
Your "Tee Time" Gift Guru,
Posted by:
Linda | 8:00 AM |
Did you watch the Republican "debates" this week? If you didn't, you missed some good laughs. And not just comedians spoofing the candidates. Dubbed the "clown car" because of the sheer number of candidates seeking the nomination, the ticket did not disappoint.
It was just as crazy, funny, and unlikely as a car full of clowns. There was the four-time-bankrupt billionaire. And Ex-POTUS' little brother with middle child complex. Plus, a Texas senator who couldn't even raise a round of applause from his own party. And, of course, many, many more.
Whether you have a horse in the Republican race or not, you have to admit, it was probably better entertainment than networks have planned for their fall premiers. But if you missed all the laughs this week, don't worry: the Democrats are up next!
Your "Send in the Clowns for 2016" Gift Guru,
Posted by:
Linda | 8:00 AM |
Coffee. That aromatic, deliciously bitter, and energizing staple of the American morning. But we’re not the only ones who love our coffee. It’s the most widely consumed drink in the world, beating out even beer, wine, and spirits.
That’s why we have an international holiday to celebrate the magic bean. September 29th is International Coffee Day and the best part might be that a lot of coffeehouses will be giving the stuff away! Reason enough for celebration if you ask me.
Just in case you don’t know where your morning Joe came from, here are a few fun facts you can take to the coffee shop on the 29th:
- It’s believed that the stimulating properties coffee beans were discovered by a goat herder in Ethiopia in the 9th century.
- He noticed that the goats got very energetic after eating the “berries” of the coffee plant and started to experiment.
- Members of the Galla tribe got an energy boost from grinding up the beans with animal fat.
- Around the year 1,000, Arab traders started to boil the beans to make a drink they called “qahwa”.
- In 1475, Kiva Han – the world’s first coffeehouse opened in Turkey. By 1668, coffee had replaced beer as New York City's favorite breakfast drink. (Yes, breakfast!)
And the rest, as they say, is history.
Your "Keen on Coffee" Gift Guru,
Posted by:
Linda | 8:00 AM |
Ditch the drones! Now you can get a cat's-eye view of the world — at least in one city in Japan. The
Cat Street View Map, centered on a shopping district in Onomichi City, shows that "there are different points of views to explore, specifically those of our benevolent feline overlords".
Maneki-neko |
Onomichi City is well-known for it's huge population of friendly street cats, as well as areas like
Neko no Hosomichi (Cat Alley), and a whole museum dedicated to
maneki-neko, the lucky beckoning cat.
Right now the map is only available in Japanese, but a translation plug-in for your web browser can help with that. Cat Street View points you to the most interesting attractions with
"meo-tags", which you can click for more "biogra-fur-ical" information.
But fair warning: it's really hard to leave the virtual world of Onomichi City with all those cute, cuddly cats around!
Your "In the Catbird Seat" Gift Guru,
Posted by:
Linda | 8:00 AM |
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