Ditch the drones! Now you can get a cat's-eye view of the world — at least in one city in Japan. The
Cat Street View Map, centered on a shopping district in Onomichi City, shows that "there are different points of views to explore, specifically those of our benevolent feline overlords".
Maneki-neko |
Onomichi City is well-known for it's huge population of friendly street cats, as well as areas like
Neko no Hosomichi (Cat Alley), and a whole museum dedicated to
maneki-neko, the lucky beckoning cat.
Right now the map is only available in Japanese, but a translation plug-in for your web browser can help with that. Cat Street View points you to the most interesting attractions with
"meo-tags", which you can click for more "biogra-fur-ical" information.
But fair warning: it's really hard to leave the virtual world of Onomichi City with all those cute, cuddly cats around!
Your "In the Catbird Seat" Gift Guru,