I'm not one for making New Year's resolutions. But this year, I'm resolved to get a handle on my crazy mornings by starting a routine. Dozens of studies prove that people with a morning ritual are more effective at work, less stressed, and happier at home. Getting your "morning mind" right sets you up for a great day.
Take Control of Your Day
Maybe you don’t know where to start building a routine. You’re used to leaping out of bed as soon as the alarm sounds, grabbing your phone and coffee, getting the kids off to school, answering emails, and rushing around to get everything done before you have to leave for work. How can you possibly fit a routine into all that craziness?
Hint: there’s no formula that fits everyone, but everyone can fit a ritual into their mornings. Here are five things you can do in the morning that will make your day:
- Drink water. When you wake up, your body is dehydrated. Grabbing a coffee first dehydrates you even more. Start your morning with one or two glasses of water. Then brew up some java.
- Exercise. It’s easier to exercise in the morning when you’re not already beaten down by your workday. And exercise gets blood flowing to your whole body – including your brain.
- Don't forget to eat. You need to fill your tank. If you skip breakfast, you start your day out running on fumes. You need protein for your brain and carbs for energy. So eat.
- Think. About anything at all. It doesn’t have to be about work or family. It doesn’t have to be serious. Just let your mind wander for a while and see where it takes you. Some of the best ideas are born out of unstructured “think time”.
- Plan. What do you want to accomplish today? How will you do it? When will you do it? What will it take to make you say, “This day was a huge success”? Make a plan to have a successful, less stressful day.
So get started on designing your ritual, but don’t start tomorrow morning.
Start tonight by ditching your phone, tablet, computer and television before bed.
Turn out the lights and get a good night’s sleep first.
So you can rock your day tomorrow and for the rest of the year.
Your "Morning Mind" Gift Guru,