Spring has sprung. The days are longer, flowers are in bloom everywhere you look, and the weather is starting to feel gentler and kinder. That could only mean one thing: t-shirt weather is almost here! I can't wait. There's nothing as comfy as a soft, old tee.
I wear out my t-shirts completely. I wear them until there's nothing left but a few threads. When they're new, I wear them out and about. As they age and get faded and tattered, I just wear them around the house while I'm laying around or doing chores. When they get so old and thin you can almost see through the cotton they lay at the bottom of my drawer waiting for their final assignment: becoming a rag.
Worn out, washed-a-million-times tees are great for cleaning windows and mirrors because they have given up all their lint, which means no nagging "fuzzies" left behind. I use them to wash and dry my car because they're soft and won't scratch the paint or trim (just remove any decorations first). They're perfect for painting - both for wearing and cleaning up.
You can also use them for everyday spills and messes. Just cut them into different sized pieces and stow them in the kitchen, bathroom, or garage - any place you'd reach for a paper towel. Since they're re-usable, they're a 'green' alternative to paper. Not only will you save money, you'll be doing your part to help the environment!
Your "Love Your Tees for Life" Gift Guru,