Today marks the last day of The Lighter Side blog.
I've had so much fun digging up delightful and entertaining gifts for you over the years. Before I go, I want to say: Thank you for reading!
The second thing is this: The Lighter Side will still be here for you!
That's why it's only "sort of" farewell.
From now on, you'll be able to find those perfectly unique gifts for your perfectly unique friends and loved ones on social media.
I'll be posting the best-of-the-best Gift Guru advice to
Facebook and other social sites.
When there's a Great Big Sale, well, I'll be posting that, too. And you - our loyal fans and followers - will be the first to know!
I hope to see you all in the new year.
Thanks again for being a great audience.
Your "See You There" Gift Guru,
Posted by:
Linda | 8:00 AM |
The Big Day is almost here.
The house is decorated, the gifts are wrapped, and family members are winging and wheeling their way to our house right now.
Before I go home to start on the big feast, I just want to take a minute to say Happy Holidays to all of you from all of us here at The Lighter Side.
It's our great privilege and pleasure to close another year helping you find the perfect whimsical, amusing, and entertaining gifts for the special people in your life.
And since
you're such a wonderful gift-giver, here's hoping you get everything
you want for Christmas - and more.
Happy Holidays to you and yours,
Posted by:
Linda | 8:00 AM |
Today is
Bill of Rights Day. It's a different kind of December holiday, but it deserves our (pardon the pun) attention. So do the people who defend it.
This is a good time to pause and think about our military men and women who are stationed far from home this holiday season. They - and their families - make huge sacrifices so we can have a safe, peaceful, and free holiday season.
So I think it's only fitting that we stop in the middle of the hustle and bustle today. Just for a moment, let's put aside the holiday shopping, wrapping, decorating, and cooking to stand and salute all of the everyday heroes who make it possible.
And then we should get back to enjoying the lives that these brave men and women protect. According to my uncle who's been a Marine since I can remember, that's what they
want us to do. Because
we are exactly why
they do it.
Your "Salute a Soldier Today" Gift Guru,
Posted by:
Linda | 8:00 AM |
Are you ready for Ugly Christmas Sweater Day on December 15? In the unlikely event you don't have a garish, gory, gasp-worthy Christmas sweater in your closet, you'd better get cracking!
The holiday was born out of an underground resistance to decades and decades of unbearably garish gifts. Instead of tossing the unmentionable treasures in a drawer where they would (hopefully) spontaneously disintegrate and never be seen again, these folks saw an opportunity to rebel. So they started wearing the ghastly garb.
If you decide to join in the fun, be reminded that you must: "rock your sweater all day and all night, from the time you wake up till the time you sleep. No breaks. No copouts. No excuses. The sweater must stay on."
I don't make the rules. That's from the official Ugly Christmas Sweater web site. Which means if you get kicked out of your sister's wedding, I'm not to blame.
Your "Rock Your Ugly" Gift Guru,
Posted by:
Linda | 8:00 AM |

I've always loved a good holiday theme. A few (or was it ten?) years ago, I came up with the idea of stuffing the kids' holiday stockings with socks.
It's the silliest sort of humor, I know. But it works every year. And the kids always need new socks!

They come in so many shapes, sizes, and styles that you can
always find an absolutely perfect pair of
socks for everyone on your list.
There are warm socks for working or playing outdoors. Super fashionable boot socks. Socks for cat lovers. Dog lovers. Sports fans. Socks for patriots and crossword puzzlers and bowlers. Toe socks. Socks that remind you of summer. Even socks that remind you to floss!
And if your family doesn't find your silly sock humor all that funny? Well, at least their toes will be warm!
Your "Stuff Them To the Toes" Gift Guru,
Posted by:
Linda | 8:00 AM |
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