Are you ready for Ugly Christmas Sweater Day on December 15? In the unlikely event you don't have a garish, gory, gasp-worthy Christmas sweater in your closet, you'd better get cracking!
The holiday was born out of an underground resistance to decades and decades of unbearably garish gifts. Instead of tossing the unmentionable treasures in a drawer where they would (hopefully) spontaneously disintegrate and never be seen again, these folks saw an opportunity to rebel. So they started wearing the ghastly garb.
If you decide to join in the fun, be reminded that you must: "rock your sweater all day and all night, from the time you wake up till the time you sleep. No breaks. No copouts. No excuses. The sweater must stay on."
I don't make the rules. That's from the official Ugly Christmas Sweater web site. Which means if you get kicked out of your sister's wedding, I'm not to blame.
Your "Rock Your Ugly" Gift Guru,