"Breaking News: The Three Bears broke into a pizza parlor in Colorado.
Goldilocks was not at work at the time."
That's the email I got from a friend along with this
Facebook video from Antonio's Real New York Pizza in Estes Park, Colorado. Of course, it wasn't THE three bears. It was just a mom and her two cubs looking to pack on the pounds before hibernating for the winter.
The family of three tore their way through the restaurant's drive through window looking for something
just right to eat. Did you know that bears can open refrigerators and rifle through cabinets? Me either! But they can and they did...
The three bears didn't find any porridge, but they found
lots of good stuff to eat. First they ate through 40 pounds of dough. And then they found the salami, which the cubs ate with gusto while Mom continued to search for ingredients to add to their "pizza".
Antonio DeSousa posted the surveillance video and pleaded with the authorities to show leniency to the wayward bear family even though the nighttime raid cost him about $1,000. "If bears break into our stores, please don’t shoot them," he wrote. (
Awwww. If there's anything we here at The Lighter Side adore more than animals, it's animal lovers.)
If I ever get out to their "neck of the woods, I'm definitely going to pop in to Antonio's. The Three Bears thought it was 'just right' raw, so Antonio's pizza must be awesome when it's cooked!
Your "Bears Love Pizza, Too!" Gift Guru,