If you're off your noodle for nuts, Sunday is your special day: it's National Nut Day!
The word "nut" can mean a lot of things. Like when someone is "nuts" for a thing or activity like...maybe finding the perfect gifts. "Making your nut" means putting together enough money to pay the rent, keep the lights on, etc. Your head can also be called a nut - that's where the phrase "she's off her nut" came from.
But National Nut Day isn't for celebrating your noggin, paying the bills, or giving tribute to the eccentric, wacky, or silly people in your life.
This holiday celebrates the humble, edible, deliciously nutritious nut.
In honor of the humble nuts we love to crack, here are five pieces of nutty trivia to enlighten and enliven your noggin:
- Arachibutyrophobia is a fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth.
- Pistachios are really a fruit, (but once we get cracking, who really cares?)
- Peanuts are not nuts. They're legumes - close cousins to beans and peas.
- It takes 300 PSI of pressure to crack open a macadamia nut (totally worth it!)
- Cashews are always sold without their shells because the nut is closely related to poison ivy and sumac - the shell contains an oil that's toxic to humans.
There you go: all about nuts in a nutshell. Now go forth and share your nutty knowledge while you celebrate with your favorite nuts - both foods and people!
Your "Wild for Walnuts" Gift Guru,