When I first read about the health effects of "social jet lag", I thought it would be a side effect of too much tweeting, posting, sharing and etc. Easy fix, right? Shut off the computer, put away the tablet and silence the phone.
But as it turns out, it's a real problem and it has nothing (well, very little) to do with social media. It happens when your circadian rhythms get interrupted. We're all familiar with
that. We go through it twice a year when we "spring forward" and "fall back".
Some people, however, live in a constant state of circadian disruption, which puts them at risk for developing certain metabolic diseases and other health issues. Researchers believe it's the "unnatural" demands of both work and social life that contribute to the problem. Social jet lag pops up when people sleep less on workdays and more on free days — likely trying to "make up" for a lack of sleep during the week.
So what to do if you feel like you're suffering from social jet lag? Well, it certainly couldn't
hurt to shut off all the devices and try to get to bed earlier. But the real solution seems to be setting a schedule and sticking to it — whether it's a workday or a play day. A few people came up with a pretty clever solution — set your alarm twice a day: once for bedtime and once for the morning so you stick to a healthy sleep routine.
Your "Nighty-Night" Gift Guru,