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Meet Oakley, the baby owl. And his stuffed twin. Rescued by the Raptor Rehabber, 3 years ago, his keepers went to extreme lengths to keep the owlet from imprinting on them as parents, which would have made it impossible to release him back to the wild. And they went way beyond toys and a comfy "nest" for sleeping. To signal mealtime, they actually made a
Great Horned Owl call. And to actually feed the baby bird, they camouflaged themselves under a sheet with holes in it.
All of that so the little owl could one day be released to the wild and raise babies of his own.
To give comfort and company, the rehab center also gives baby birds stuffed toys and puppets. Oakley was lucky enough to get a Halloween owl who sings a mean version of "Monster Mash". Which is why this little treasure pops up on social media every Halloween since the baby bird was rescued:
I'll bet Oakley didn't have a bit of trouble belting out his own Great Horned Owl call once he made it back to his kind. Not only did the little guy have timing and rhythm, he had the vocal cords to match.