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Friday, April 28, 2017
Who doesn't love a good bath? Everyone knows that it's a great way to relax - especially if you light the candles and pour a nice glass of wine to go with it. A nice long bath lowers the stress hormone cortisol (a mighty culprit in belly fat gain) and boosts dopamine levels in the brain.

Most people also know that it's better for your skin than a shower because you can add salts to help open the pores and oils to make your skin silky smooth, which is very hard to do in the shower. (Anyone who's tried an after-shower lotion knows what a slippery proposition that can be!)

But here are three health benefits of baths you probably didn't know about. A bath can:
  • Lower your blood sugar: A savvy doctor in the U.K. did a study that showed how a long hot bath can help reduce blood sugar levels. His study showed that having a bath can reduce glucose levels more than exercise. Which brings us to our next benefit, burning up excess calories. 
  • Burn calories: It's true, sitting in the bath can actually burn more calories than exercise. That's right. Now, I'm not suggesting you give up your daily fitness routine, but adding a bath can bump up your efforts to shed those unwanted pounds. 
  • Delay aging: A long bath lowers cortisone levels, which contribute to adult acne and premature aging. To get the full anti-aging benefits, apply moisturizers while skin is still slightly damp and warm. 
In case you're worried about hygiene, it's just not true that baths are "dirtier" than showers. Unless you've been working outside or sweating profusely, a bath will get you just as clean as a shower. 

If all of this isn't reason enough to go home, run a bath, pour a glass and soak for an hour, I don't know what is!

Your "Hooray for Baths" Gift Guru,

Posted by: Linda | 8:00 AM | permalink
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