Every year on the Monday following the switch to Daylight Savings Time, we celebrate National Napping Day. Well,
I do anyway. It makes sense to nap after the Spring Forward adjustment so you can make up for that lost hour of sleep. The largely unknown holiday was dreamed up by Boston University Professor William Anthony and his wife to illustrate the benefits of napping. The Anthonys have hard evidence to back up their claim that Naps Are Good - so good, in fact, that napping shouldn't be reserved for just one day a year.
After conducting exhaustive (pun intended) research, their team proved that a short sleep enhances both mood and performance and helps carry you through the rest of the day. Sleep-deprived people perform routine and repetitive tasks pretty well, but most of us need a few midday winks to keep our creativity and our critical thinking skills at morning levels.
Mid-afternoon naps have been part of human culture for thousands of years - even during the workday. But what if your boss isn't the type to let you sleep on the job? Show them this article from
Entrepreneur Magazine saying leaders should
embrace on-the-clock napping. The article points out that besides productivity gains, a twenty minute nap makes employees less irritable, which makes them easier to work with.
There are SO many reasons to grab a midday snooze. But the best one is the simplest: a nap just
feels good.
Your "Let's Catch Some
ZZZZZZs" Gift Guru,